Friday, October 16, 2009


Third Annual Beer vs Wine. Tonight.

Ocean Trout , Compressed Apple, Creme Fraiche, Spiced Bread

Lola Duck Croquette, Port Shallot Puree, Turnip Fondant

Scallop, Kabocha Squash Risotto, Chicken Liver Parfait, Basil Cress, Veal Reduction

Pork Belly, Artichoke Barigoule, Smoked Carrots, Fennel Tomato Jam

Butternut Squash, Bitter chocolate Consomme, Malt foam, Puffed Rice


It all comes down to This

Can't say that I've spent a whole lot of time slaving over a hot stove. I just spent the better half of two days costing out menus. My brain is fried. It truly is the least favorite part of my job.

Friday, October 2, 2009


I love pizza. coming from the east coast I wasn't going to be a Chef of a restaurant that doesn't have a damn good pie. Don't get me wrong there are some places that have good pizza but I think we hold are own. Scampi pizza with white clam sauce. (Veranda Restaurant)