Thursday, April 1, 2010


Ryan And I At Fox Studio for "Be My Guest" Television segment.Check it out for yourself at:

"Watch where you got your hands pal"
Left over Liquid Nitrogen

Monday, March 22, 2010


It has been a very challenging time trying to find the right group of young chef to join me at the Rancho Bernardo Inn. I'm convinced that I have finally done it.....We haven't been together for more than a few days but I already feel the creative drive coursing though me. We were given the last minute photo shoot to complete...this is what we created.

(Per Dessert) Agar White Chocolate Noodles, Tomato Strawberry Sauce, liquid "CoCo" Meat Balls, Shaved White Chocolate, Miro Basil.

Seared Scallops, Black Garlic, White Onion, Red Radish, Turnip, Meyer lemon

Origami Sashimi, Spanish Sardine, Toro, Ahi, Opa, Cucumber, Heirloom Tomato, Meyer Lemon, Apple, Crushed Herbs

Lamb, Romesco, Prosciutto, Chard, Brown Butter Pomme Puree, Lettuce

Monday, March 15, 2010

Vegan Affair "Food with Roots"

A Behind the scenes look at El Bizcocho's Vegan Affair Dinner!.html

Barely cooked tomato, truffle, chive
Tofu cheese cake, Dark chocolate consomme

Farro porridge

Agadashi Tofu, maitake dashi

Water melon Sashimi, shisuku sake, shiso

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Just interviewed with Joel Reese From Leonesse Cellars for our up coming "Got Vegan" wine dinner. I will have photos to follow. Just wanted the Animal Rights Groups who have been camping out in front of the restaurant, that we don't need meat to be a world class restaurant.

Some of the food is there but not everything.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Whole Fish, Seaweed Salad, Shrimp Fire Fly.


It's been so long since the last post. We have been working like crazy to stay ahead of this economic craziness. Despite the times Rancho Bernardo Inn is going through a remodel. The Veranda Restaurant is getting a face lift. there are a few before pictures.