Saturday, September 19, 2009

For your information – El Bizcocho has a new honor. Wine Spectator’s 2009 Dining Guide has awarded us Best of Award of Excellence.

Best of Award of Excellence (816 winners) created to give special recognition to restaurants that clearly exceed the requirements of the Award of Excellence. These lists typically offer 400 or more selections along with superior presentation and display either vintage depth with several vertical offerings of top wines or excellent breadth across several wine regions

Thursday, September 17, 2009


You would be surprised what you can find if you know what your looking for, these are tree strawberry's found right on property. They will make a interesting garnish for El Bizcochos dessert. In Some countries they are used to make jam and liqueurs (such as the Portuguese medronho, a kind of strong brandy). The Strawberry Tree (Arbutus unedo) is an evergreen shrub or small tree in the heather family, Ericaceae, native to the Mediterranean region and western Europe north to western France and Ireland. Due to its presence in South West Ireland, it is also known as Irish strawberry tree, and Killarney strawberry tree (called 'Caithne' in Irish and Scots Gaelic). Despite its name, the strawberry tree does not produce strawberries.

Friday, September 11, 2009

BRASE YOURSELF, Rough Seas Ahead

Fine dining or what we think is fine dining is "dead" as far as some are concerned. The age of food exploration has relented to the tried and true faith in solid made by the hand cuisine. Get ready dinners. El Bizcocho is going under the knife. What comes out the other end may be a larger bust lines a tighter face and a rounder butt. We are no longer hold the thrown of creative freedom but have relented to the prospect of riches in casual cuisine. So brake out your Polo shirts and slacks your jacket is no good here. Perhaps we should start cutting off ties and hanging them on the wall. Mr. Schnook will no doubt be over thrown and Vlad the impaler will no longer reside in the rafters. What history El Bizcocho has had over the many years. I'm glad that I will have seen both sides. No question the time has come for this war ship to face the scrap yard. Economic uncertainty and a slow a painful decline in our customer base has warranted bring in the "big "guns". Don't get it twisted we're no cowboy's that don't have what it takes to make a great meal but a new prospective is defiantly welcome. We will continue to prepare the freshest, highest quality product we a new reduced $$. My wish is your command. One question remains will El biz still be El Bizcocho? Time will tell.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Nothing better than doing something no one has ever eaten before at a charity event. Makes people stop and think. We say Whole Rabbit terrine and they give you a strange look like you’re not telling them the truth. This dish is a spinoff of an idea from "Hare of the Rabbit", a post from last month. Maple sugar, smoked salt and "food glue". This dish is pushing us to look for new seasonal ideas. It comes out looking and feeling like a ham so we are calling it rabbit ham. This has real potential; we'll have to see what comes of it. I love the way it looks like Head Cheese. Rabbit Hamm

Wills Pumpernickel bread

Pickled Apple

Mustard Foam

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Don't let the figs go to your head. I love these babies, there so good right now. I've got to come up with some crazy ideas with them this season. Some of you may not know that San Diego is the perfect climate for figs to grow. If you’re not careful you'll find me dashing across your lawn snatching figs off your tree. I found a beautiful fig tree in Pacific Beach one day and asked the elderly woman that owned the property if it would be alright if I picked a few figs. She didn't even know that the fig tree was in her yard...."what". We picked a few and enjoyed them right there in the yard. She is a customer of mine to this day because of it.


Rocky Road

Nitro chocolate mousse, chocolate sponge, marshmallow, coco bubbles, chocolate rocks, coco dirt
toasted marshmallow ice cream

Sous vide pineapple, coconut sorbet, carmel, banana glee, dehydrated pineapple,


Pan roasted salmon, bottle pouched lentils, apple-onion soubise, porcini confit, fava beans

Sweet garlic puree, charterelle mushroom, fresh chickpeas, wilted gem lettuce, meyer lemon


Chicken liver parfait, Cherries, Coffee Powder, Mazuna, Purple mustard
Elysian Fields Lamb, zucchini puree, black olive sponge, fried semolina, Sicilian pistachio.